Monday, 3 December 2018

“Disability”, a distortion of true abilities

“The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being
recognized. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me
―Stephen Hawking!
The above quote clearly shows that it is the attitude that decides whether one lets the condition
become disability or finds perpetual comfort to even joke about it. The great scientist from the
20 th century, professor Stephen W. Hawking is a great source of inspiration for everyone, and his
achievements and work is a great source of hope for the people living with disabilities across the
world. Recognized for his celebrated concept of “Black hole” and popularly read among the
scientists and readers for his book “A brief history of time”, Hawking continues to inspire and
motivate millions of differently able people. The word “Struggle” is not capable in itself to
describe the innumerable challenges that Hawking had to battle with throughout his life.
Diagnosed with rare early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease (also known as
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, "ALS", or Lou Gehrig's disease), Hawking was gradually
paralyzed over the decades. He gradually lost his ability to move, and eventually became unable
to speak. He used computer’s voice to communicate and deliver lectures, write notes and books.
We, at Innovision, take insight and inspiration from people like professor Hawking who proved
that disability lies in the external surroundings and not in the spirit. And with that insight, we try
playing our little role in making the existing physical surroundings a little more inclusive to
embrace everyone with visual, physical, hearing and other disabilities. Wishing a happy
international day for disability sounds incorrect even while saying it, because disability being
negative attribute, our mind finds it difficult to link it with happiness.
Yes, living with disability is not really a positive experience, and the challenges that one has to
face while living with a disability produce reversely opposite experiences of happiness. But
technology combined with willingness and open minds can work towards creating happiness for
the disabled through different solutions. Innovision is trying to do exactly the same with its
technology solution “Braille Me”. Imagine the joy and sense of fulfillment that professor
Hawking must have experienced when, after losing his ability to speak in 1985-86, he spoke the
first word using computer voice somewhere in the late 90s. With Braille Me, we wish to create
somewhat similar experience for the visually impaired individuals when they can read any book,
written in any language in their own Braille script. And when they can write their thoughts down
in Braille and the same can get converted into sighted text for the world to read and appreciate.
For any product to realize the results that it’s inventers had envisioned, it has to combine 3 “As”.
“A” for Awareness, “A” for Availability and “A” for affordability.
 Through this blog and other channels, we try to create awareness among the people about
great solutions that Braille Me has to offer, and how it can make daily life a little simpler. We
try to make people aware by telling them that it’s here in case you need.
 A few similar products like Braille Me had been in the market for about 10 12 years. Though
they too had great utility to offer, and were successful in creating awareness about their
availability, they unfortunately missed out on catering to the third and most important factor
 On the other hand, Braille Me enjoys the distinction of being world’s most affordable
refreshable Braille display. The team working on Braille Me has always been trying to build
a product with quality at the core with affordability in mind. With support from mentors,
technology experts and first hand user’s testimonies, Braille Me is able to create awareness
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about digital Braille. With support from distributers and users in around 19 countries, we are
trying to make sure that it’s available for everyone who needs it.
And with our ground-breaking Braille cell technology, we are able to build the world’s most
affordable refreshable Braille device.
This disability day, we salute the courage, strength and self confidence of people like Hawking
and many others who are the real source of energy for our work and mission. And with Braille
Me, we can confidently wish a happy international day of the disability, as it stands as a symbol
of removing inequalities, allowing abilities to flow freely and create some happy moments.

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